Dedicated to you

Diversity, Inclusivity & Abusive behaviour policy

Diversity & inclusivity

At Lexis we are fully committed to diversity, inclusivity and equality of all our staff and students regardless of race, gender, religion or ability.

We will therefore not discriminate against any staff member or student based on any of the above factors.

Furthermore, we will work towards increasing diversity and inclusivity by constant review of working and teaching practices.

We expect all our staff members to share this working ethos and responsibility.

We will not accept any intolerance or abuse towards other individuals because of their gender, race religion or ability.


Abusive Behaviour & Anti-Bullying Policy

In the UK and at Lexis we believe everyone has the right to their own beliefs and opinions.

You are free to express your opinions (within reason) but you must not:

  • Deliberately express opinions which will cause offence
  • Force others to agree with you
  • Try to harm others (physically or by using language which they may find offensive). This includes both face-to-face contact and / or via texting, email, social media.

Bullying is repeatedly and deliberately hurting or making fun of another person. The bully has some ‘advantage’ over the person they are bullying, which they exploit. It takes many forms, including:

  • Actual physical harm or the threat to harm
  • Use of insulting names or language in reference to someone
  • Jokes made at someone’s expense
  • Racist or sexual harassment
  • Cyber bullying – Use of text, email and social media to make ‘bullying’ comments. It is often anonymous and can be ongoing

Signs / Symptoms 

  • Reluctance to interact or spend time with certain people. The person may make an effort to avoid them completely.
  • Changes in behaviour – becoming withdrawn; unwillingness to mix with others where previously they had been part of a group.
  • Unhappiness when reading a message sent via text or online
  • Frequent absence from lessons
  • Poor attention in lessons
  • Abusive behaviour towards students or staff members is not tolerated at Lexis.


We expect all our students and staff to treat each other with respect at all times.

If you feel uncomfortable with the way a student or member of staff is behaving, please speak to Elena, who is the Welfare and Safeguarding Officer.




Lexis School of English